SHE - The Seven Faces of Divine Feminine in Her True Essence

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At this time in our history when the present and future seem uncertain it seems a prime opportunity to look back to the past for inspiration and resources. In the times of the ancients they looked to their Gods and Goddesses for guidance. The ancient ancients simply relied on inspiration from the Great Mother.

In old ancient Greece the messages of the Great Mother, the Divine Feminine, were expressed through the myths of the Goddesses, each inheriting and bringing unique qualities of the feminine principle into the world.

Each young girl was considered a daughter of either Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, Demeter, Hera, Hestia or Persephone. This was determined by observing her natural behaviours and way of being. This was tuning into her inherent core essence. This was SHE expressing herself in her own unique way through this flourishing young girl and woman.  

Through these naturally expressed behaviours she would be guided and supported to reveal, become and live more of this. An ancient Greek woman observing women of today may indeed throw her hands up in dismay and ask “Why are you trying to be Athena when you are clearly a daugher of Aphrodite?” Why indeed?  

My name is Mark and I am one of your retreat guides and hosts. 

Knowing which of the seven Greek Goddesses I am connected to helps me to know the feminine, the anima, within myself.

This has helped me understand and deepen the relationhsips I have with the women in my life. Embracing this wisdom has taught me how to surrender to my own reason for being. Realising that it is SHE who guides me to follow paths unknown and it is SHE who supports me wholeheartedly. 

This is but one of the many gifts of the Divine Feminine.  


Through the myths and teachings of the Greek Goddesses, I have had the honour to hold sacred space for countless women and men around the world, guiding them using colour, dreams, drama and story in order to reconnect and remind themselves of their own unique spark of the Divine Feminine. 

When we gather and come together as a group we have the privilege to be witness to some of the most profound healing for the wounds of the feminine. 

“The word ‘Feminine’ stands for Soul, the unseen cosmic web of life that connects each one of us to all others and to the life of the planet and the greater life of the cosmos.” Anne Baring


Meet Karmen your other retreat host. Originally from Bandung, West Java, now living in Bali, she is amongst many other modalities, a specialist in Bach Flower Remedies. 

Karmen’s deep connection with the healing wisdom of Mother Earth enables and guides her to support women in becoming their own best selves. She offers sacred tea flower and full-moon ceremonies.

Karmen is the founder of Urban Dukun, translating locally to Urban Shaman. 

Why is one woman a natural homemaker, for example, while another puts her career first? Why do we feel confident in some settings, while others floor us? And why do we choose disastrous partners, stay in jobs we loathe or resist following our dreams?

Well, it’s all connected with your Goddess Within. You’ll find yourself identifying with one or more of the Goddesses, and simply not comprehending or relating to others.

Each of the Greek Goddesses are a unique expression of the collective feminine archetypes, each have their role to play, all are needed. We use their stories and qualities to help find our essential core natural way of being.

The very act of reconnecting and recognising a particular Goddess within ourselves helps us to live more fully. Using this blueprint we can use the strengths and the wisdom of the Goddesses to help guide us to become the best of who we are called to be, and in becoming the best of who we are we can contribute to the evolution and the health of our families and to the growth of our communities.

Let’s create sacred space together to welcome the Goddesses in all their glory. Let’s use the ancient rituals of dream tending, drama, mask making and story. Let us fully embody the healing power and wisdom energy of these magnificent seven Goddesses of old.

Imagine stepping back out into the world feeling animated by your own unique divinity. Empowered by knowing who walks alongside you and who to call upon anytime you need. Fulfilled with this newly found and newly remembered deep sense of connectedness you are now set to live the life that many may dream of, but only you are destined for.

What is this life? The one you, and you alone, were born for.

Come join myself, Karmen and the seven Goddesses on the beautiful island of Bali for this empowering and healing retreat.

“SHE is waiting to welcome you,

to welcome you home to that sacred quiet space deep within,

SHE is there as the guiding light, calling to you,

Come home now, come home,

Now is the time.”

As the ancient Greek woman said, “Why try to be Athena when you are clearly a daughter of Aphrodite”


The Meeting Place

Candidasa is on the eastern coast of Bali, and sits at the edge of a fresh water lagoon of the same name. A temple near the lagoon is dedicated to the Goddess Hariti. Hariti is blessed with the gifts of fertility and good fortune. 

Our good fortune is that we have chosen the Puri Bagus Candidasa Resort Hotel as our place of retreat and sacred meeting.

The hotel describes itself as a place to relax and allow the spirit of the island to come to you. 


  • Initiatory Flower Tea Ceremony
  • Cacao Ceremony
  • Daily Yoga
  • Goddess healings, rituals and stories
  • Final day Balinese blessing
*Excludes accommodation

 And finally as Anne Baring, author of The Divine Feminine, reminds us:

“Woman’s own awakening is part of the recovery of the Feminine. 

It is as if a momentous birth is taking place in the collective psyche of woman. 

This birth may be experienced as something that is difficult and even dangerous, 

as well as something exciting and transformative.”


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